Government will give subsidy for fish farming at home know what is the process

Government will give subsidy for fish farming at home know what is the process

Fish Farming: Fish farming is a good way of business. Farmers do fish farming on a large scale. Generally fish farming is done on the banks of ponds and rivers. But now there has been a change in this. Where science has found new options for farmers in other crops. So, now with the help of science, farmers can rear fish anywhere with great convenience. Now fish farming can be done at home also. And the government is also providing you up to 60 percent subsidy for fish farming at home. Let us know what is its entire process.

Government will give 60 percent subsidy

If you want to do fish farming but you do not have land, then there is no need to worry about this. Because you can do fish farming at home also. The scheme of Government of India will contribute to this. The Government of India has implemented a scheme for Backyard Recirculatory Aquaculture System. Under which 40 percent subsidy is being given to the general public on fish farming. So the women who come under Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe. They are getting 60 percent subsidy on this.

Do fish farming at home like this

If you do not have land and want to do fish farming at home. So for this you should have a cement tank. You can easily fish in this also. About 70 to 80 kg of fish can be kept comfortably in it. The government has launched this scheme of fish farming through Backyard Recirculatory Aquaculture System to provide assistance to small fishermen.

If a farmer has a two-room house, he can do fish farming in one room. So on the other hand one can live with his family. Along with cement tanks, farmers can also rear fish in plastic tanks.

In this tank also, fishes can be reared like cement tanks. Singhi fish seeds can be added to it. Which will be ready in the form of a fish of 100 grams within four months. Approximately Rs 2 lakh can be earned from one tank.

Also read: Find out at home in this way whether there is adulteration of water in synthetic milk and milk or not.

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